365days 24hours burn treatment

Nightly treatment for
office workers

Industrial Accident Insurance Burn
Certification hospital

Subject to health insurance subscribers and recipients of medical benefits

Daegu Burn Treatment Gwanggaeto Hospital

Gwanggaeto Hospital, located in a location where people can receive treatment quickly in case of an emergency in Daegu

Comprehensive health check-up

Gwanggaeto Hospital provides customized medical checkups for corporate executives (groups) and special medical checkups for teachers and government employees.

What is burn?

The skin reconstruction is burn, but the tissues are recovered through the stages of inflammation, growth, and maturity. The skin reconstruction treatment is...

colorectal anal surgery

Gwanggaeto Hospital introduces the type of colon anus.

digestive endoscope

Gwanggaeto Hospital introduces the digestive endoscope, which is an additional selective precision test.

News & Notice

test 2020-11-19
online consultation

If you leave an online consultation post, I'll kindly help you.

To consult

Visit Gwanggaeto Hospital

We will continue to work hard to make Gwanggaeto Hospital your happy shelter for the best equipment and best medical care.

Daegu Gyeongbuk Only Burn Hospital

Gwanggaeto Hospital is located in any part of Daegu where people can receive treatment quickly in case of emergency in Daegu.
In October 2019, the Korea Workers' Compensation and Welfare Service was designated as an industrial insurance burn hospital.

Comprehensive health check-up

The Health Promotion Center at Gwanggaeto Hospital has a close understanding of early diagnosis of disease and all health risk factors.

Take a closer look

Additional Selection Precision examination

"We'll guide you through additional scrutiny at Gwanggaeto Hospital."

Sleep colonoscopy / Head endoscope / Low-dose chest CT / Abdominal CT / Lumbar CT / Lumbar CT / Lumbar ultrasonography / Upper abdominal ultrasonography / Cardiac ultrasonography / cervical ultrasonography / bone density test / Allergic 4 types / Blood / Medium Metal-Mineral 13 - N25 (N25-O)

Take a closer look
Gwanggaeto Hospital supports patients' health and happy lives.
GGT Clean Health Examination Center / General examination / Cancer examination / General examination / Employee examination / Employment examination
Basic examination / Precision blood test (60 kinds) / respiratory system test / cardiovascular test / digestive system test / female test
1) Burn treatment/ burn reconstruction:
Reception - outpatient department - outpatient care - Reservation (burn reconstruction) - storage (on the 2nd floor)
2) Internal medical treatment:
Reception - Relevant medical treatment - Outpatient care - Reservation (Internal medical treatment) - Receiving (floor 14)

On your way

health check-up reservation

If you want to make a reservation for a medical checkup, please click Make a reservation below.

parking instructions

Gwanggaeto Hospital offers better parking convenience, so please refer to it for your use..